Friday, May 11, 2007

Useful Alt+Tab Replacement Power Toy

For those of you who use the Alt+Tab key combination to switch between open windows on your desktop, I am sure you have encountered times when you cannot distinguish one window from the other due to having more than one instance of the same program open.

Microsoft became aware of this draw-back after releasing the XP operating system and subsequently released a "Power Toy" to resolve this issue.

The Power Toy resolves this issue by replacing the program icons with actual screenshots of your open windows. This way you can locate exactly which window you wish to switch to, which is immensely useful when navigating between several SAP windows at one time.

Here are pictures of using the Alt+Tab key combination both pre- and post- installation of the Power Toy:

Here it is impossible to differentiate between the IE instances and the SAP instances by looking at the icons.

This screenshot clearly differentiates
the windows.

Here are the instructions to install:
-Click this Link
-Choose "Run" from pop-up dialog box
-Choose "Run" a second time, this will kick-off the installation of the Power Toy
-Once you get the "Installation Complete" dialog, the toy is successfully installed.

No need to reboot your PC.

There are lot of tools are available like this for windows. Check out this link